Gulf of Maine

Gulf of Maine

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Giant Squid

There was a Giant Squid in the Sant Ocean Hall that was in liquid preservative. I tried to take a picture of it but the plexiglass was covered in condensation, so the picture didn't turn out and I'll post other ones instead. Standing next to a giant squid in the Sant Ocean Hall was a good way to truly understand how giant they are.

A Giant Squid was photographed and filmed for the first time by Japanese scientists in December 2006. The creatures are elusive as they live in very deep water. Giant Squid are the world's largest invertebrate. The largest giant squid ever found was 18 metres in length and weighed 900 kg. Giant squid have the largest eyes in the animal kingdom, their eyes can be as big as a beach ball! To read more about the Giant Squid, click here.

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