Gulf of Maine

Gulf of Maine

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Legal Seafoods

When I was in Washington, there was a restaurant across the street from the hotel called "Legal Sea Foods". We all thought this seemed like kind of a creepy name, wondering, legal sea food compared to what? What is illegal sea food? I don't want to know.

Upon further investigation, Legal Sea Foods is a seafood restaurant that claims to be sustainable. It has cooperated with the Marine Stewardship Council to choose what marine creatures will be on its menu. The name 'Legal Sea Food' comes from a family market that used to deal in legal food stamps in Boston in 1904 and became a fish market. The CEO of Legal Sea Food comments that they have been in business for 50 years and that they would like to be able to be in business for 50 more. There was more than one restaurant that I ran into in Washington that addressed sustainability, humanity, and care for the environment in relation to the items or creatures on its menu. This was very refreshing for me! I would like to see more of the same in Canada! Hooray Wooden Monkey. Come on Red Lobster. To read more about sustainable fisheries from National Geographic, click here. For Legal Sea Food link, click here.

1 comment:

CBEMN said...

Thanks for posting about this: I should have read this before Glen came to the class today!